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custodial sentence 예문


  • Crimes which, if he's found guilty, will elicit a very long custodial sentence, and yet...his legal team... has chosen to offer no evidence whatsoever to support their plea.
    만약 유죄가 선고되면 장기간 구류될 것임에도 변호인단은
  • New Health and Safety Law - Employers Face Prospect of Custodial Sentences
    새로운 보건 및 안전 법-구금 문장의 고용주 얼굴 전망
  • A new law was passed in January 2009 giving courts increased powers to hand out custodial sentences for serious breaches of health and safety legislation. This article examines what the new legislation says and what the implications are for business owners and well as employees.
    새로운 법률은 건강과 안전 입법의 심각한 위반에 대 한 구금 문장을 밖으로 손을 법원 증가 능력을 주는 2009 년 1 월 전달 되었습니다.